The report "Use of paid parking in commercial facilities. User preferences and development directions, 2022"

We wondered what challenges drivers face when using parking lots at commercial facilities. Therefore, we wrote a report in which we asked directly about this issue. Among other things, we learned that 83.8% of those surveyed pay for parking by contactless, card or in-app method, and 62.5% of drivers, think it is important to have information about the number of available spaces displayed before entering a parking lot. See what else we were able to include in our report.
What do you find in the report "Use of paid parking in commercial establishments."?
The report describes the prevailing and future trends in the organization of modern parking and presents the results of research on the preferences of shopping mall users.
You will learn what improvements are most important to parking users and the most common reasons for drivers' frustration. You'll learn about preferred payment methods, frequency of parking use and key technology solutions. The "Use of Paid Parking in Commercial Facilities" report provides insight and inspiration to solve business problems, build market advantage and increase loyalty among our customers.
This report will allow you to better understand the needs of parking users and use this knowledge to offer better services. Don't wait to learn about new parking trends!
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