We are a provider of solutions in the area of smart cities
The solution is owned by Inteligentne Miasta Ltd.

About the company
Our team has many years of experience in the service and installation of large parking systems. We provide and integrate all the solutions and systems needed to operate your parking lot.
Our vision
In our business we combine innovation and professionalism. At the center of the OctoPark Application is the user - smart, reliable and intuitive. Our solution addresses the needs of both drivers and parking system administrators to simply and conveniently manage their facilities online.
Our goal is to be part of the Smart Cities infrastructure by providing smart city and smart parking solutions, connecting customers, drivers, parking lots and their administrators.
OctoPark is an intelligent parking management ecosystem for parking operators and its users.
The OctoPark solution consists of 3 components:
Administrative panel for parking lot owners
Mobile application for drivers
Entry Authorizer
Customers and Partners

Intelligent Cities Sp. z o.o. is implementing the project "Innovative Octopark solution (former name e-park) for ticketless and contactless entry, payment and exit from parking lots equipped with parking devices of any manufacturers, consisting of a mobile application for parking lot customers and a management module for parking lot operators/owners." Co-financed from ERDF funds under the Eastern Poland Operational Program, contract number POPW.01.01.02-06-0085/20-00.
INTELIGENTNE MIASTA SPÓŁKAZ OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ is implementing the Polish Bridges of Technology Project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund under Priority Axis III Support for Innovation in Enterprises, Measure:3.3 Support for Promotion and Internationalization of Innovative Enterprises of the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020. The PMT will be implemented between2018-2023. The purpose of the project is to internationalize the company's activities and introduce to the market TAIWAN (Contract No.: UG-PMT/2850/2N/2021-TAJ),KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA (Contract No.: UG-PMT/2849/2N/2021-KAS),MALAYSIA (Contract No.: UG-PMT/2851/2N/2021-MAL)product: An innovative, comprehensive and cost-effective solution for managing parking infrastructure in parking lots equipped with control systems, offering functions such as remote management of parking access and the ability to enter a parking lot without collecting a paper ticket, collecting payments for car charging and parking, informing drivers about available charging stations and parking spaces - E-park, resulting in the development of an expansion strategy and its implementation in the foreign phase. The implementation of the project will result in the start of export sales of products offered by INTELIGENTNEMIASTA SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ on target markets (Taiwan, Malaysia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).
Total project value:
Contract no: UG-PMT/2850/2N/2021-TAJ180,000.00 PLN EU funding for the project: PLN 180,000.00;
Contract no: UG-PMT/2849/2N/2021-KAS180,000.00 PLN EU funding for the project: PLN 180,000.00;
Contract no: UG-PMT/2851/2N/2021-MAL180,000.00 PLN EU funding for the project: 180 000,00 PLN